Evaluation of billed charge schedules
Dear Clients and Friends: We have once again entered into a New Year, 2011. We would like to wish everyone a prosperous and Happy New Year! Many things come … Continue reading

Preferred Health Contract Integration
As you probably are already aware, Preferred Health Systems (PHS) was acquired by Coventry Health Care, Inc. (CHC) on February 1, 2010. Due to this acquisition, PHS’ subsidiary companies, Preferred … Continue reading

CMS Change Notification and Fluoroscopy Billing Changes
Coding Edit Changes for January 1, 2011: Effective January 1, 2011, CPT 77003 (fluoroguide) can no longer be billed in addition to CPT’s 64479-64484 (injections), the fluoroguide will be considered … Continue reading

BCBS of Kansas Cataract Refunds
BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas has recently discovered they have been paying 6 base units for cataract surgery, CPT 66984, ASA 00142, instead of the allowed 4 base units, creating an … Continue reading

BCBS of Kansas Update
Annually BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas sends a letter outlining changes to be effective the following January for the Competitive Allowance Program (“CAP”). We have received the changes to be effective … Continue reading

SGR Cut Delayed Until May 31
Last Thursday evening Congress approved, and President Obama signed legislation that would reverse the 21 percent cut to Medicare physician payments, and replace it with an extension of current levels … Continue reading

SGR Update
The House of Representatives, by a vote of 219 – 212, voted to pass H.R. 3590, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as amended by the Senate. This is … Continue reading

CMS Eliminates Consult Codes
In the July 13 Federal Register, CMS announced a proposal to eliminate payment for consultation codes starting on Jan. 1, 2010. The plan includes non-payment for all inpatient (99251-99255, Inpatient … Continue reading

Bundling Nerve Blocks as a part of Anesthesia Service
First my aplogies for not includint this with your month end reports. Approximately 60 plus days ago some 300,000 plus CCI edits were updated. Hiden inside shows the vast majority … Continue reading

CMS Bulk Refund Request
In February, we began receiving refund requests from CMS for very old charges. All of these requests have come to us from WPS, the current Medicare intermediary. When we first … Continue reading